Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: Rush Limbo on August 30, 2011, 12:21 am

Title: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: Rush Limbo on August 30, 2011, 12:21 am
Hi there!
My first post! Yey! Rush Limbo says hi!

Now a question... can you please recommend a reputable "pharmacist" on the SL? Looking for hydro and/or roxy pillz please!

Thanks gang!

Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 30, 2011, 01:09 am
The latest favorite seems to be Pharmville.
Also hybridmike, broken and MrDdroMcGillacutty all have healthy vending stats.
Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: RapidImprovement on August 30, 2011, 04:22 am
3Jane, freedompeople, walter, and ENBOOM.

There's a variety pack for ya ;)
Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: joeblow2 on August 30, 2011, 12:10 pm
I'd have to agree with Nomad and say that Pharmville is the place to go for opiates. :)

And, of course, that fine special K in the bottle.

A close second is Mr. McDdro....he's a good, professional vendor too.
Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: btcfreedom on August 30, 2011, 12:44 pm
Pharmville and Chronicpain are the best IMO. Close runner-up is MrDdroMcGillacutty.

These three have their shit so together it's ridiculous.

ALWAYS came through for me and and overall nice people.

Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: mattsmitchell on September 11, 2011, 12:38 am
I'm a relatively new SR buyer, and I just wanted to weigh in on my experience with MrDdroMcGillacutty. There are a lot of vendors out there, and from my own experience, feedback and ratings alone don't seem to guarantee the quality of the vendor or product.

I prefer opiates, and have only used one vendor.  Not to slight any other very good vendors of this product on SR, but I won't use anyone but Mr. Ddro in the future. MrDdro has been a pleasure to work with in every aspect. He alleviated my fear of doing business on SR. He has been professional, courteous and generous in every way.

It's obvious he takes personal pride in his business and has treated me as a friend. I would recommend him for any first-time or experienced SR buyer.

Thanks MrDdro!
Title: Re: Please recommend a vendor
Post by: Gall Anonim on September 11, 2011, 02:23 am
I'm a relatively new SR buyer, and I just wanted to weigh in on my experience with MrDdroMcGillacutty. There are a lot of vendors out there, and from my own experience, feedback and ratings alone don't seem to guarantee the quality of the vendor or product.

I prefer opiates, and have only used one vendor.  Not to slight any other very good vendors of this product on SR, but I won't use anyone but Mr. Ddro in the future. MrDdro has been a pleasure to work with in every aspect. He alleviated my fear of doing business on SR. He has been professional, courteous and generous in every way.

It's obvious he takes personal pride in his business and has treated me as a friend. I would recommend him for any first-time or experienced SR buyer.

Thanks MrDdro!

+1! I've used him as well. Was very satisfied with the quality of his product, shipping, communication. Overall a great experience.